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Great News! Even though there was a slight rise in 2010, figures for 2011 show that couples in the UK will resist divorce proceedings longer, as they try to work out differences in their marriage.

7 Ways To Keep The Romance Alive in Your Marriage

  1. Buy a surprise bunch of flowers or a gift for your man or woman.
    Evidence shows that a thoughtful gift of low value, given on a regular basis raises the sense of security in a relationship. Showing you care over the little things is one of the most important secrets to a happy marriage.
  2. Set aside time for conversation.
    Switch off your TV, put your iPad and phone in another room, and talk. Subjects like planning a weekend away, or asking where you can help with some of your partner's chores, make for a happier everyday life. Talking about everyday stresses together, shows you are as concerned for your partner's welfare in this, as much as your own.
  3. Never row about money.
    Rowing never gets results, only sensible conversation about planning a solution will get you anywhere. If a conversation needs to be had about financial affairs, do it over coffee at a scheduled time when both can come to the table and feel at ease to air concerns. When two people share a common objective: maybe cutting down or cutting out a spend that is causing financial harm, it's best done outside an argument where no blame is levied. If money worries have reached fever-pitch, take it to a professional that can provide solutions and help that works.
  4. Never go to bed on an argument where both fester over it for hours.
    Promise each other to have that conversation when you're both rested. 9 times in 10, the problem is always less important in daylight hours.
  5. Be honest.
    If addictions or dishonestly are prevalent, get it out in the open and seek support rather than alienate yourself. A marriage is a partnership of two equal halves, and everything that affects one half, affects the other. Don't try to hide matters from your spouse that are destructive, or seek the advice of a family member. Family members always have a bias, being more likely to give support to those closest, increasing the gap to cavernous proportions. If family support is important, go together.
  6. Golden Rule:
    When you have an argument, don't tell the world about it. Keep it close to your chest, because those you tell will be talking about it still, long after you've kissed and made up.
  7. Don't think that now you're married, you needn't be fussy about how you look.
    Keep a close eye on your indulgences. Share fitness routines and goal-setting over weight management and work-life balances, doing everything from the perspective of how great it makes your partner feel.

If you have a tip or story on how you've kept the love alive in your marriage, tell us your secret.

Kind regards
The Wedding Expert