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But we're not taking time off collecting brides some great offers for 2012.

We know how difficult it is right now with paying for some of your wedding plans, so we've encouraged our advertisers to come up with some really great offers and some low, low deposits. This is truly the time to bag some incredible wedding deals with White Wedding Pages.

Here's some right now, just click the Wedding Offers button above. Plus, there's a whole load more coming Thursday and every Thursday, every week of the year.

But here's a suggestion that might solve some of your buying problems. Instead of compiling your Christmas Wish List with gifts that you may never use, consider asking families to group together to buy one of your wedding services. It could be a group or family sharing the cost of your wedding car, or stationery package, a cake, chocolate fountain, or DJ. Even if they can't run to the whole amount, maybe ask them to sponsor a service or product that is really important to you by paying half. Another suggestion is to ask for cash gift boxes that you can use to buy your things. I know, some think that this is a bit distasteful, but if you reassure a relative or friend that even £20 will go a long long way to getting you something you value, most people would rather give you money than scratch their heads over what to buy.

When they see your appreciation as you open your Christmas card and find a cheque or notes inside for your wedding fund, they will feel no embarrassment at having given cash. If you think that the average gift box at Boots can be £12-15, and some DVD's are over £20, just 15 people Xmas gifting you with cash, can easily pay for a wedding cake, or wedding car and go a long way to covering some of the cost of a deposit due the other side of Xmas.

Don't be shy. If a friend or relative says the inevitable thing, "I don't know what to get you for Christmas", help them out and tell them you'd love help with your wedding plans.